Non Hazardous Waste Disposal - Landfill
Non-Hazardous wastes that arise from construction sites contain small traces of substances that aren’t hazardous to the environment or human health. However they still need to be compliantly handled and disposed of. We can store or dispose of your non-hazardous waste that has been produced during construction.
Are you looking to dispose of 170504 & 170503 Mirror Non-hazardous Soils? Our team is on hand for a seamless booking to allow your soil to be disposed off at our Huddersfield landfill
Some wastes are not automatically hazardous or non-hazardous - they are called mirror entry wastes. These wastes have a hazardous waste entry (or entries) marked with an asterisk (*), and an alternative non-hazardous waste entry (or entries) not marked with an asterisk
How To Find Us
Exit M62 at J25 and follow A644 (Wakefield Road) towards Dewsbury. Continue past Cooper Bridge Car Spares until roundabout.
Take A62 (Huddersfield) under bridge and turn right onto Lower Quarry Road at TOTAL Petrol Station